Tim Hock Properties
Tim Hock Properties
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Factors to consider when deciding if you're ready for a mortgage

by Tim Hock Properties 05/21/2024

Factors to consider when deciding if you're ready for a mortgage  featured image

As you enter the world of real estate, funding for your next home purchase stands on the forefront of the homebuying process. Understanding what you can afford may help you in starting your journey to find your next abode. 

What factors determine how much house can I afford?

To figure out your finances to determine how much home you can afford, consider these factors: 

  • Money you have saved up for a down payment and closing costs. 
  • Your monthly income, including your salary and from other sources. 
  • The debt you’ve accrued. 

The 28/36 rule - what it is & how it works

If you’d like to use a system to manage your finances, consider utilizing the 28/36 rule. With this method, you dedicate no more than 28 percent of your gross monthly income to household expenses such as utilities and mortgage payments. Your debt shouldn’t take over 36 percent of your gross income. 

Using this system helps you manage debts and financial duties, and demonstrates to mortgage lenders you can afford a monthly mortgage payment. 

Should I buy a house?

Before starting the home buying journey, it’s ideal to consider your overall standing to make sure you’re ready to purchase a home. 

Consider your credit score - a higher credit score may spell approval from more lenders and lower interest rates. Do you have adequate cash reserved to afford a down payment, closing costs and other fees associated with buying a home? By answering these questions you’ll get a better idea if homeownership is feasible in the near future. 

Purchasing a home takes effort and much consideration, so take your time during the process and figure out your finances to jumpstart your journey.

About the Author

Tim Hock Properties

It's Just Not Possible To Look For A Home In An Older "In-Town" Neighborhood Near Duke University And Not Come Across The Iconic Oval Sign For "Tim Hock Properties". Often Said To List Some Of The Most Beautiful Homes In Durham, Tim Has Turned Buying & Selling A Certain Type Of Home Into An Art Form.

If Asked, Tim Will Tell You, "I Have The Best Job And The Best Clients In The World, Working In A City I Know & Love, Doing What I Want To Do And Being Allowed To Always Do It Very, Very Well. Nothing Makes Me Happier Than Walking By A Former Listing And Seeing How Well The Builder's Design Decisions Have Timelessly Aged. "And, To Know I Had A Small Part Of The Final Outcome Of The Finished Product Is Very Fulfilling To Me."